When you join Heartlands HIV Service you will be linked in with a Clinical Nurse Specialist who will remain your named nurse whilst you are a patient with us. Having a named nurse specialist will support continuity of care.

Clinical Nurse Specialist’s posses in-depth knowledge about HIV and have lots of experience in supporting patients whose needs may be physical, psychological, social or emotional.

We aim to provide first class, individualised care, working closely with other members of the multidisciplinary team, striving to provide you with a seamless service.

We understand that for many individuals, living with HIV can be a challenge; however, we also know that those challenges can be met, and often overcome with appropriate support. Clinical Nurse Specialists can offer support in a variety of ways, this might be within the Outpatient Department, on a ward, in your own home if appropriate or simply by telephone.

It is important you are involved in decision-making about your care and if required, your Clinical Nurse Specialist can support and empower you to achieve this.

On your behalf Clinical Nurse Specialists will collaborate with other colleagues to promote research and development in order that we provide you with an innovative service. An example of this is Virtual Clinic, a telephone consultation service that has been developed to reduce the frequency of clinic visits for stable patients – we understand you have a life to lead!

We are friendly and approachable; please don’t worry about coming to meet us!